
手术 & 特殊的程序


Press Ganey“卓越守护者”奖

纽约医院’s Peterson Family 手术 Center has been awarded Press Ganey’s ‘Guardian of Excellence Award’. 这是全国公认的卫生保健成就的象征, recognizes top-performing health care organizations who have achieved the 95th percentile or above for performance in Patient Experience.

Our talented team of surgeons and caregivers is renowned for their skills in the operating and procedural rooms; And will proudly continue to care for each patient with the compassion and kindness they both expect and deserve.




纽约医院’s surgery center mixes advanced technology with personalized care in a 舒适的, 关爱环境. The center is equipped with five surgical suites staffed by a dedicated and highly trained team of specialists that care for patients preoperatively, 在手术和恢复过程中. Our center is well-equipped with the latest advances in technology and instrumentation for the more than 6,每年在以下专科进行500例外科手术:

  • 普通外科
  • 眼科手术(眼科)
  • 耳鼻喉科(耳鼻喉科)
  • 妇科
  • 骨科手术
  • 整形手术
  • 足病手术
  • 胸外科
  • 泌尿外科——包括绿光激光治疗
  •  MAKOplasty机器人辅助膝关节和髋关节置换术

Surgeons work with our Anesthesia team of Anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists (CRNA’s) to work with patients to ease pain and discomfort before, 手术中和手术后. 有私人候诊室和康复室等设施, 温暖的毯子, 客房服务, transportation services and staff that create a 舒适的 and pleasing atmosphere, 冰球突破的外科中心是该地区最好的.


冰球突破以其爱心护理而闻名. 特殊程序也一样. Endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopies and other gastroenterological procedures are performed in a relaxing, 在冰球突破外科中心的一个侧翼有一个舒适的环境.

经验丰富、富有同情心的护理人员与病人密切合作, family members and physicians to create an environment of personalized care and comfort. Our center offers each patient personalized attention from the moment they arrive until they are escorted out the door. Our dedicated staff work with individuals to assess and ease pain and comfort as needed, and our center offers every patient a private room for pre and post procedure recovery care.

冰球突破是本地区优质医疗保健的领先提供者. 冰球突破在个性化的私人环境中提供先进的技术. 这里提供的其他手术和服务包括泌尿外科, 整形手术, ENT, 医疗程序, 整形手术, 妇科, 肺学, 传染性疾病, 和眼科.

给冰球突破打电话了解更多信息! (207) 351-2410

寻找 冰球突破外科协会? 点击这里.


手术中心的工作人员都是经过委员会认证的 外科医生和麻醉师,高度熟练 医师助理, 注册护士第一助理, RNs, 外科技术人员, 中心消毒人员和辅助人员 创造一个特殊的环境, 每个病人都由专人照顾, 在他们进入中心之前,以恭敬的方式, 在他们逗留期间和他们回家后. 冰球突破提供个性化的护理,超越一切. 每个病人的经历都是独特的,并基于病人的个人需求. Your privacy and respect are paramount at our center – we offer every patient private rooms throughout your stay- from pre-op through recovery and post-op care. Our loving and caring staff and family friendly environment offer support for you and your loved ones at all times. Our newly updated and expanded environment is built around patient comfort and our team of skilled surgeons and staff offer innovative surgical technology and expertise in constantly evolving technology and the latest procedures – such as the Direct Anterior Approach for hip replacement surgery and custom made joint reconstruction surgery.

冰球突破强烈支持物理, 冰球突破的病人及其家属的情感和精神需求. 冰球突破为病人提供灵气等放松技巧来平静神经, and have a beautiful relaxation garden for families as well as our loving kindness room for reflection and support.


一旦你的手术安排在你的外科医生办公室, 纽约医院’s pre-op nursing team moves into action and a plan of care is developed for the patient. 冰球突破的术前小组会协调所有必要的术前文书工作, 检查你的病史和药物,并安排任何检查(如果需要). We will also provide you with specific instructions and answer any questions you may have. Should you have any needs prior to your surgery, you can reach the pre-op team directly at (207) 361-3654 or (207) 361-3627. 他们提供周一至周五上午8点至下午4:30.

如果你发烧了, 冷, 手术前喉咙痛或其他疾病, then please notify your physician as the procedure may need to be postponed until after you recover from your illness. 你是否需要全身麻醉或镇静剂, 然后你必须安排人按照你的程序开车送你回家. Any anesthesia you receive may make you drowsy for up to 24 hours, so driving is not permitted. 注意,冰球突破提供 免费运输 to and from the hospital for all patients coming to the 纽约医院 手术 Center for procedures. 打电话给207-351-3413 了解更多信息.


  • 手术前请先洗澡或淋浴.
  • 去掉所有的指甲油、化妆品、口红、假睫毛和假发.
  • 请穿休闲装, 舒适的, 宽松的衣服,如运动服, easy button shirts or blouses that are large enough in case you have a large bandage after surgery, 还有舒适的鞋子, 不穿高跟鞋). 手术前所有的个人物品都要拿掉. 你的护士会告诉你任何例外情况.
  • 贵重物品和珠宝请留在家里. 如果你戴隐形眼镜,带上一个盒子或放在家里.
  • 如果你戴眼镜,请带上你的眼镜盒,以便妥善保管.
  • 如果你吸烟,试着在手术前戒烟或减少.
  • 手术当天午夜后不要吃或喝任何东西, 除非你的手术人员另有指示. 这包括口香糖、薄荷糖、水和咖啡.
Please arrive at 纽约医院 at the time specified by your surgeon and/or your pre-op nurse so that you can be prepared for surgery. 冰球突破怎么样. 在你登记后,你将被带到一个私人的术前病房. 护士会记下你的病史, perform any needed lab work (that has not already been completed) and ask you to sign a consent form for surgery. You will also meet with one of our Anesthesia team members to discuss the type of anesthesia you will receive. 在这段时间里,家人可能会和你在一起.


  • If you wear dentures, including permanent dentures such as bridgework caps or crowns
  • 您服用过或从家里带来的任何药物
  • 任何过敏
  • 这是你医生的特别指示
  • 感冒、发烧或感染
  • 如为儿童,则指该儿童曾患的任何严重或慢性疾病
  • 既往手术或麻醉有任何问题
  • 任何有麻醉问题的家庭成员

一旦确定你处于安全状态,就可以进行手术, 你的家人或朋友可以在房间里陪着你,直到你被送去做手术. 从那里, you will be taken directly to the operating room on a gurney or in a wheelchair for your safety. 然后,您的朋友和家人将被引导到等候区.

您的手术将在冰球突破五间手术室中的一间进行. Family members can wait in the family waiting area (where we have beverages and snacks available as well computers, 游戏及其他康乐设施), 在冰球突破的户外宁静花园(天气允许), 或者你的术后病房,如果有的话. 外科医生会告诉他们你手术后的最新情况.
手术后, you will be taken to a post anesthesia care unit (known as PACU) room while you recover. The time spent in PACU varies from patient to patient but usually averages about 45 minutes to one hour. Then you will be transported to a private post-op room where you will remain until it is safe for you to go home. 冰球突破也欢迎朋友和家人与您同住. 这取决于你接受的麻醉类型, 你的视力可能会模糊, 口干和/或发冷. 噪音听起来可能比平时更大. 护士会经常检查你的敷料和血压. 你也可能有静脉注射和其他用于引流的管子. 手术周围的区域可能会受伤或烧伤. 不要害怕向你的护士要止痛药. 在你离开医院之前, 你的护士会确保你能走路, 小便和喝水. (如果你是住院病人, you will be taken to your hospital room on the top floor of the hospital for further care by our dedicated team of medical-surgical care nurses – see inpatient care for more).

门诊病人手术当日出院,在家康复. 在你离开医院之前, your surgeon and nurse will give you specific written instructions on how to care for yourself at home and will answer any questions you may have at the time. 记住,运动有助于血液循环和深呼吸加速恢复. 你会被告知哪种类型的活动对你的特定过程是安全的.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to follow up with your surgeon’s office, 或透过电邮联络冰球突破 (207) 351-2400 的信息.